Falconry hunting is an ancient art dating back nearly 10 - 12,000 years (ie 100-120 centuries). This is one of the first attempts to cultivate wild animal.
Falconry or hawking, hunting or represents an attempt to capture the game using a trained bird of prey. Hunting is a wide variety of game. From butterflies and worms to deer, and in earlier years (according Muraveev and Nikolai Przewalski) Kublai Khan, accompanied by their lords and attendants, about 10,000 in number, hunted wild donkeys, deer, ibex, deer and wild pigs.
According to the chronicles of Simon Kezay which relate to 1282, the sons of Genghis Khan, Dzhagatay and Oktay were passionate about falconry. The places for hunting sent to the city of Samarkand each week 50 camels laden with swans. There they are given to people for food. The hunting of herons in Europe during the Middle Ages was common and was only priority of the nobility. This extremely spectacular and deeply emotional style of hunting was a kind of test because only highly trained falcons were able to deal with this respectable opponent, which is the largest heron. Much later herons hunting was banned.
Falconry as a sport is practiced worldwide. The species used for training are all different, but basically use several. These are:
North falcon hunting falcon, prairie falcon, the Peregrine falcon, Lanner Falcon, the merlin (merlin)
large hawk (kokoshkar), the small hawk (vrabchar)
Golden Eagle,
and some species of these flying predators.
Hunting with a bird of prey is the most environmentally friendly type of hunting. Man remains an observer of the natural processes in nature, with the difference that he is the one who teaches the bird how to hunt and on what. Falconer, thanks to their knowledge, recover naturally rare and endangered species like the Peregrine falcon, California Condor, Mauritanian kestrel, prairie falcon and many others. others.
Falconry has developed effective methods for helping the wounded, sick or flightless Many falconers are owners or managers of centers for rehabilitation of birds of prey. In the West, in all zoos, zoo or places where besides many other animals there and birds of prey are appointed falconers who care about their welfare.
The only organization in Bulgaria that deals with the problems of this ancient hunting art is Bulgarian Association for the preservation of raptors (BAZGP).
Dogandzhiite (falconers translated from Turkish) are a category of people with special duties in the Ottoman Empire in the 15-18 century. They bred and domesticated for Sultan yard falcons and hawks for hunting. Against this are exempt from some taxes. Dogandzhiite are directly dependent on the central government and have the right to speak free from certain obligations lands (fathers) or farms. Bulgarian lands were major supplier of Falcons (hawks and eagles) to meet the needs of trained birds of prey of the aristocracy in the Ottoman Empire. Falconry in Bulgaria has become a state-organized occupation of a significant part of the rural population in polupplaninskite and mountain regions.]